Friday, December 27, 2013

Buckle up for safety

Maybe this is Nana's way of telling her papa how much she trust him behind the wheels? Haha. 

By the way, that is a box of cereal which she bought for her brother. Always so caring and loving towards everyone around her.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Our baby gal is graduating!

This is it! Our little girl is finally moving on from Kindergarten. After months of practising, all the graduating classes will be putting up a dance today. Nana is so excited! Her class will be performing using the song from The Lion King 2 - "He Lives In You." 

On another note, we have been back for almost 2 years now! Where has all the time gone to?!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Father and Son battle

Once Zac completed all his school homework, he took out his Nerf guns... And there we were, in a cross fire, a battle between father and son.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My birthday wish...

Happy birthday to me! A year older and... a year wiser, of course! Hehe...

Anyway, this year, I made a special wish! OUT LOUD! And my wish was... for Nana's top front baby tooth to drop off... You see, it's been weeks now that her adult tooth is growing at the back. But the front one, the baby tooth, is still hanging on tight... Not pleasant looking at all! She insisted that it doesn't hurt so we decided to leave it till it gets a bit more wobbly, but it seems to take forever!!!

So, of course when I made my wish out loud, my bb feels that she should do something about it. She stood in front of the mirror, took a deep breath and shook her tooth... And...
My wish came true!