Sunday, January 9, 2011

My first project

The combination of bright colours from scrapbooks have always fascinated me. When I admire a piece of such artwork, it never fail to make me feel cheerful and positive. And the best thing about it is that it always seems flawless. Art can never go wrong!!!

I've always wanted to try doing one, but never really had the chance to. Maybe "that feeling" is just not there yet... No inspiration = no mood! Hehe. 

That feeling finally came a few days back. I wanted to give something special as a birthday gift to the sweetest baby girl I know who will be turning ONE. So there I was, spending one evening on my very first project. The feeling was "oohh la la". Ideas kept flowing in and I couldn't resist the temptation of adding more details. I was so into it, measuring, drawing, cutting and sticking, that I didn't realise how much mess I have created. Pieces of stockcards and stickers were everywhere. Haha.

The end result...
So proud of myself. Hehe. I think Nana is a bit like me. She was looking at my creation and kept going "Wow! So nice! I like it! Can I do one too?"