Thursday, November 15, 2012

Character Development Award

Somewhere in late September to October, Zac called me while I was in the office...
Zac: Mama, someone called me to the office today. I thought I did something naughty! When I went in, there were 8 teachers sitting and waiting for me. I was nervous.

Then, the teachers began asking questions.

Teacher: Zac, why do you think your teacher chose you as one of the nominees for the role model?
Zac: Ehmmmm, because I am smart? (as usual, an overconfident reply from Zac... he said the teachers laughed...)
Teacher: Why do you think your classmates picked you as their role model?
Zac: I think because I am caring. I always help my friends.
Teacher: What will you do if your friend tried to copy your work?
Zac: I will tell teacher.
Teacher: But your friend will not want to be your friend anymore if you do so.
Zac: Then I will not tell the teacher. I will give him a second chance and tell him not to copy.
Teacher: Your friend still insist on copying. So how?
Zac: I have no choice but to tell teacher.
Teacher: What about your friend? He's not going to be your friend anymore...
Zac: Never mind, lose this kind of friend is okay.
Teachers applaud when he said that. Zac said he was lost and confused over the teachers' reaction but was glad to walk out with a goodie bag full of yummy tidbits.

For displaying values in line with the school's iCrest Value, Zac was selected as the recipient for the "Character Development Award" for the Care Level (Primary 1).

Over the years, we have worked so hard trying to instill good values in you. We are so proud of you Zac, for keeping up with what has been taught and emphasised. May you grow up to be a good person my dear...